Saturday, March 29, 2008

Solar Power

As the false prophets of manmade global warming continue to use their fabricated data and computer-driven scare stories in doing their best Chicken Little routines, a real crisis lurks in the background. A real catastrophe is in the making unless we tell these doom-saying profiteers and their moronic theories to take a long hike off a short pier.

Scientists committed to discovering the truth about climate have serious concerns regarding solar activity. For at least 13,000 years the average solar cycle has lasted 10.7 years. The current solar cycle (referred to as #23) has already lasted 12 years. Seeing how the reverse polarity sunspots that signal new solar cycles have been conspicuously absent so far, the earliest cycle #24 can begin is late this year or sometime in 2009. The last time a solar cycle was extended this far was in the early 1800s – a time known as the Dalton Minimum. These extended cycles always precede eras of cold temperatures. The solar physicists are concerned that if this cycle goes longer it could presage conditions similar to the Maunder Minimum that ushered in the Little Ice Age that began in the 17th century. The occurrence of something similar to either of these cold cycles portends very difficult times for humanity. Growing seasons are dramatically shortened and areas conducive to agriculture move steadily towards the equator.

So at a time when we should be bolstering our energy supplies and protecting our quality farmlands, we are restricting energy development and allocating ever-increasing amounts of farmland to biofuels. Already over one-third of our corn crop is used in production of ethanol – a very inefficient and polluting fuel.

CO2 only has a very marginal effect on temperatures as its volume increases. Its recent increases will do very little to offset the cooling period we are now entering. However, CO2 is a powerful fertilizer for everything that grows. Contrary to what the charlatans say, our current level of 380 ppm is below the historical norm exceeding 1000 ppm and not much above the 200 ppm below which plants cannot grow.

We have nothing at all to worry about our activity increasing the CO2 which is good for anything that grows. What we need to worry about is allowing alarmists to put into place policies that restrict our energy supply and ability to provide food for our families.


Otter said...

Good to see this is getting around. Unfortunate that we may be slammed with a decades-long cold spell, but with luck it will be noticeable soon enough to put the kaibash on the socialist elites' hopes if they manage to take the White House.

Anonymous said...

I agree otter. There is certainly no joy on my part to say to the Warmers, "I told you so." I much prefer warm conditions to cold conditions, especially in light that our leaders in government are not only preparing for this eventuality, but seem to be doing everything within their power to make it worse.